From Nun to Real Heiress: Expert at Turning the Tables - C.484 - : 226 Moonlight (tenth watch)_2

From Nun to Real Heiress: Expert at Turning the Tables

C.484 - : 226 Moonlight (tenth watch)_2

Chapter 484: 226 Moonlight (tenth watch)_2

“This tastes terrible, even worse than pig food.” Liu Muxue slammed her chopsticks on the table.

Chewing on a piece of chicken, Xie Zhen curiously asked, “How do you know what pig food tastes like?”

“You—!” Liu Muxue glared at her. “Even eating doesn’t shut your mouth.”

Xie Zhen shrank her neck and concentrated on eating.

In the afternoon, they had another boring speech by a leader. Liu Muxue seemed to stick to Ming Jing, following her wherever she went.

At the auditorium, she squeezed herself between Ming Jing and Xie Zhen, making Xie Zhen angry but unable to say anything.

“Now let’s welcome Professor Liu Xiangyue from the Department of Mathematics at Huaqing University, who is also the Vice-Chairman of the National Mathematics Association and the Head of the Review Committee of this National High School Mathematics Winter Camp to give a speech…”

As the applause rolled in like waves, there was a moment of commotion on the scene.

This top professor from a leading domestic university was surprisingly young and handsome. He wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on his high-bridged nose and looked cultured and gentle, a true young talent.

Xie Zhen whispered, “You both have the same last name? Are you related?”

Liu Muxue rolled her eyes and stuffed a lollipop into her mouth. “There are so many people with the last name Liu. Are all Liu’s in the world my relatives?”

Xie Zhen quietly responded with an “Oh”.

Liu Muxue turned to look at Ming Jing and saw her listening intently to Liu Xiangyue’s speech. Unlike those rigid old scholars, Liu Xiangyue spoke with humor and wit, full of personal charm. All the students in the audience were paying attention to him, occasionally mixing in laughter, making the atmosphere very harmonious.

Su Wen looked at the man on stage with admiration and whispered to Bo Lianye, “Your aunt is very fortunate.”

Even after three marriages, she was able to marry such an outstanding young talent, which made people envious and jealous.

Bo Lianye raised the corner of her lips slightly, “My aunt is also very talented. It’s my future uncle who is fortunate.”

“Yes, yes, Mr. Liu is lucky to marry your aunt, haha.”

“Have they set a wedding date?”

Bo Lianye shook her head, “My grandma trusts Master Kumu from Xiangguo Temple very much. All our family events depend on the Master to find the right date. Unfortunately, Master Kumu is currently in retreat, so my aunt’s wedding date can’t be set until he comes out.”

“I see…” Su Wen had heard that those big families were very devout to religion. Xiangguo Temple had always been a royal temple, the number one ancient temple in the North, enjoying incense offerings and countless devotees.

Master Kumu of Xiangguo Temple was a highly respected monk and a guest of honor for Jingzhou’s major families. However, meeting this Master wasn’t easy. Only people like Granny Bo could see him, while others shouldn’t even bother thinking about it.

Liu Muxue stretched lazily. When most people had left, she got up carelessly. “Sanctimonious and utterly boring.”

Xie Zhen looked at her curiously, “Who are you talking about?”

Liu Muxue gave her a glance, “I’m talking about you.”

Xie Zhen choked, she couldn’t have a conversation with Liu Muxue without being choked by her words.

The few of them were the last to leave. When they went outside the auditorium, there was hardly anyone around, and the entire campus was quiet.

Xie Zhen had sharp eyes and suddenly pointed to the north, “Isn’t that Mr. Liu?”

Under the cover of a poplar tree, the man’s back was upright, just like the tree next to him.

He seemed to be talking to someone.

Liu Muxue squinted her eyes, tiptoed, and sneaked over, hiding behind a tree.Xie Zhen couldn’t help but laugh, looking at Ming Jing, who was staring at the honor roll by the roadside.

The honor roll displayed excellent graduates from the school over the years, each of whom had become the top talent in various industries.

“This one named Bai Ziyu is so handsome, even more handsome than a celebrity.” Xie Zhen pointed to a young man wearing a white shirt, who had a serious expression on his face.

“This Bo Yuxun also has the same surname as Bo Lianye. Are they related? Actually, he does look a bit like Bo Lianye.”

Ming Jing’s eyes fell on Bo Yuxun’s photo. The young man was also wearing a white shirt, and compared to Bai Zijin’s serious expression, his smile was much brighter, revealing his perfect eight teeth. He seemed to be a cheerful and smiling young man at first glance.

Ming Jing looked steadily at the young man’s smile, with his handsome and sunny appearance, as if she could see his youthful and energetic demeanor through the years in the photo.

She looked at the introduction below the photo: Bo Yuxun, born on November 15, 1987. He was admitted to Jingzhou Medical University as the top-ranked student in science in Jingzhou that year and later studied abroad. He obtained a double master’s degree in clinical medicine and cardiovascular surgery, and was hired by a top domestic hospital in the department of cardiovascular surgery. At a young age, he became the deputy director medical doctor, later went abroad for further studies and is now the head of the cardiovascular department in a top private hospital overseas.

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Xie Zhen calculated, “He’s only thirty-six years old this year, and he became the deputy director of a national medical university when he was just twenty-four? That’s so amazing; he’s a medical genius!” She looked at the young man in the photo with even greater admiration.

Turning her head to look at Ming Jing, Xie Zhen found Ming Jing staring at the photo of Bo Yuxun with her eyes fixed and her black pupils deep and unfathomable, like a pool of water shrouded in dense fog, making Xie Zhen feel a chill down her spine for no reason.

Ming Jing looked quietly for a while, then suddenly turned and left.

Xie Zhen was baffled and didn’t dare to ask any questions. She just silently followed her.

Liu Muxue didn’t hear what the two were saying as they were too far away. From her angle, she saw Liu Xiangyue’s gentle smile on his face.

Then Bo Lianye left.

Liu Xiangyue looked in Liu Muxue’s direction, and Liu Muxue turned to run, but at that moment she heard the man’s smiling voice from behind her.

“Are you Little Muxue?”

Liu Muxue felt a chill in her body, stopped running, and turned around to let him take a good look at her.

Liu Xiangyue came closer and said with a smile, “Little Muxue, I even held you in my arms when you were little. You don’t even greet your brother when you see him?”

Liu Muxue pinched her voice and sweetly called out, “Brother Xiangyue…”

Liu Xiangyue laughed, “You’re still as cute as when you were a child.”

Liu Muxue rolled her eyes secretly, thinking that she knew she was cute and didn’t need his reminder.

“Brother Xiangyue, I want to ask you, what were you and Bo Lianye whispering about just now? Are you planning to leak the exam questions to her?”

Liu Xiangyue frowned slightly but soon relaxed and shook his head with a smile, “You’re overthinking it. We were talking about some private matters.”

“Private matters? What kind of private matters can you have with her? Are you and her….?” Liu Muxue’s gaze hinted at something ambiguous.”

Liu Xiangyue helplessly touched his forehead, “It’s not what you think, I and her… ” freewёbnoν

“I’m going to be married to her aunt soon, so she’s technically my future niece.”

“What?” Liu Muxue suddenly jumped up, “You’re about to become Bo Lianye’s uncle?”

Liu Xiangyue hushed her, “Don’t tell anyone else, this is our secret. Muxue, my uncle called me earlier to tell me that you were admitted to Winter Camp. I’m very happy for you. You’re very talented in this area, so don’t give up. If you have any difficulties, just message me. Let’s add each other on WeChat so we can keep in touch.”

After the two added each other on WeChat, Liu Xiangyue took a phone call and left in a hurry.

Liu Muxue muttered, “Seeing him laugh so ambiguously, it must be Bo Lianye’s aunt who called him. It must be such good luck…”

