Power and Wealth - C.1686


What else could he do but wash them?

Dong Xuebing regretted his moment of weakness, but he could do nothing now. After soaking for a while, he submerged his hands in the water, rubbed out the soap suds, and began washing Fang Wenping's clothes. These could have been washed in the washing machine, but Dong Xuebing never quite figured out how to use that thing, and besides, the washing machine was in the bathroom. Fang Wenping obviously wouldn't let him in there, so he had no choice but to wash them by hand.

One piece.

Two pieces.

Three pieces.

Her clothes were all washed.

Dong Xuebing washed the clothes he had been puked on by her last night, then cleaned Fang Wenping's high heels before calling it a day.

Finally done.

Dong Xuebing got up to leave.

But then, the bathroom door suddenly opened.

"Dong Xuebing," Fang Wenping called out from inside, sounding stern.

"Huh?" Dong Xuebing replied, not too pleased. "What's up?"

"Are the clothes washed?" Fang Wenping asked.

Dong Xuebing impatiently replied, "Yes, they're washed. I'll hang them out to dry in the afternoon."

Fang Wenping simply responded with an "Mm" and then unexpectedly stuck her hand out from the crack in the door. With a whoosh, she threw out a bra, which landed on the ground.

Dong Xuebing was taken aback. "What's this for?"

"Wash it," Fang Wenping ordered.

Dong Xuebing was speechless. "You want me to wash it?" He thought Fang Wenping was saying it earlier, but who would have thought she'd throw it out?

"And this too." Fang Wenping's hand extended again, and a pure white pair of panties flew out, followed by a torn pair of black stockings. "Wash them all."

Dong Xuebing widened his eyes. "How can I wash these stockings when they're so torn?"

"Throw away the stockings, but wash the rest," Fang Wenping said matter-of-factly, then closed the door with a bang as if she were talking to a maid.

Dong Xuebing was tempted to kick the door. He was fed up with her. Who does she think she is, ordering me to wash her clothes and acting all angry about it? I should have left her where she was yesterday, causing me so much trouble. This woman... I'll deal with her sooner or later. Dong Xuebing cursed inwardly as he walked up, then bent down to pick up the stockings Fang Wenping had thrown on the ground and tossed them into the nearby trash can. He then picked up her bra and panties, reluctantly sat back down in the same spot, and submerged her bra in the water. However, when he took a closer look, Dong Xuebing wickedly took her panties out of the water and turned them inside out to inspect. To mock her, he wanted to see how dirty they were, but to his disappointment, they were quite clean, just a little dusty on the outside, leaving Dong Xuebing feeling quite let down.

Wash them.

This woman...

Dong Xuebing continued to wash them, grumbling to himself as he worked. In the end, the wire from the bra scraped his hand, drawing blood. He quickly sucked on it to stop the bleeding.

Look at this mess.

It wasn't easy for me, my buddy.

After about twenty minutes, all the clothes were finally washed.

Dong Xuebing sighed, then took a few hangers and clothespins, hanging Fang Wenping's clothes one by one on the rope tied to the trunk of the toon tree. Bras, panties, all of them were hung up. After finishing this, Dong Xuebing sat in the yard with tea. He wasn't sleepy anymore after all that commotion. He leisurely drank tea and smoked, his eyes constantly glancing towards the east room.

The sound of water was still flowing.

Gushing, gushing.

Suddenly, the sound of water stopped, replaced by a rustling noise. The door opened, and a pair of white fleshy legs stepped out, wearing the purple slippers that Zhang Longjuan used to wear when she lived here. Following behind was Fang Wenping, her body slowly emerging. Droplets of water clung to her plump skin, wrapped in a white bath towel that Dong Xuebing had given her, covering her chest and thighs, but unable to conceal the cleavage squeezing out from the towel and almost all of her thighs.

Dong Xuebing glanced at her, then pretended to be indifferent and moved his gaze away. He sat there smoking with his legs crossed.

"Why are they hung here?" Fang Wenping frowned.

"What's wrong?" Dong Xuebing looked over and asked.

"My clothes," Fang Wenping's gaze lingered on her bra.

Dong Xuebing replied impatiently, "If I didn't hang them here, where else would I hang them? It's good enough that I washed them for you. You're still nitpicking. The wind in the yard will dry them quickly. They should be almost dry by the afternoon. If you dry them earlier, you can put them on and leave. I don't have dinner for you here."

This 𝓬ontent is taken from fгeewebnovёl.co𝙢.

Fang Wenping didn't know if it was because Dong Xuebing had washed her clothes for her, but surprisingly, she didn't argue with him and sat down with a black face.

Dong Xuebing looked at her.

Fang Wenping basked in the sun, leaned back, and even dozed off on the chair, looking very comfortable. Her legs were still crossed, and her fair thighs swayed before Dong Xuebing.

Five minutes.

Ten minutes.

The two of them sat there without moving.

Dong Xuebing was naturally restless, and he couldn't sit still anymore. He looked at the clock and saw it was not even nine o'clock. If he waited for her clothes to dry completely, it would take at least six more hours. The weather wasn't as hot as before. It was even quite cold in the morning and at night, considering it was already winter according to the solar terms. Dong Xuebing stamped out his cigarette butt, stood up, and walked around the yard with his hands behind his back. Later, his stomach grumbled, and he was really hungry. He had been working for half a day just now, so he went into the kitchen without caring about Fang Wenping.

Sit tight, will you? How awesome would it be if you could sit until the afternoon?

Dong Xuebing was distracted by Fang Wenping's thighs inside the kitchen, so he dared not look at them again. He came in to calm down and took his time cooking. He hummed a little tune while frying an egg, initially thinking about making it runny, but then remembered the recent bird flu. It was better to cook the chicken and eggs thoroughly for disinfection purposes. So he fried them until they were well done, then made a pot of egg drop soup. He rummaged through the fridge and found a French baguette and a pack of sausages. Dong Xuebing also put them in a frying pan and fried them. The sausage oil sizzled, making a sizzling sound that smelled fragrant.


All done.

Dong Xuebing was very satisfied. He happily carried this hearty breakfast to the courtyard stone table and began eating with chopsticks.

Mmm, delicious.

Dong Xuebing was starving and ate heartily.

But as he ate, Dong Xuebing suddenly paused and looked up. He realized that there was suddenly someone sitting across from him. Fang Wenping, who had just been basking in the sun with her eyes closed, had somehow sat down without him noticing. She even picked up a piece of bread and elegantly ate it with the sausage. With a spoon in hand, Fang Wenping calmly scooped herself a bowl of egg drop soup.

"What are you doing?" Dong Xuebing exclaimed.

"Eating," Fang Wenping replied matter-of-factly.

Dong Xuebing was furious. "I made this for myself. Did I ask you to eat? It's not for you. If you want to eat, make your own or buy it."

Fang Wenping ignored him and continued eating calmly.

Dong Xuebing was exasperated. "Hey, save some for me!" he said, quickly reaching out to grab a piece of bread before it was all gone.

Before long, Fang Wenping finished eating. She gracefully wiped her mouth with a napkin and stood boldly, sitting back in the sun again, squinting her eyes. She looked so comfortable, like an emperor.

Dong Xuebing was even more annoyed. "You're not polite at all."

"What's the point of being polite?" Fang Wenping didn't even bother to open her eyes.

Dong Xuebing stared at her and said, "I washed your clothes, cooked for you, and even fed you water last night and carried you home. You're so calm about it."

Fang Wenping glanced at him and said, "I let you cook because I think highly of you."

Dong Xuebing sighed, "Then I should thank you for your praise. Should I kowtow to you?"

"There's no need for kowtowing," Fang Wenping said, crossing her legs. Make some vegetarian dishes for me at noon. I've been eating too much meat these days, and I'm getting tired of it."

Dong Xuebing said, "Are you talking to me?"

"Is there anyone else in this room?" Fang Wenping replied.

Dong Xuebing didn't know what to say. "You're rude. Do you think I have nothing to do? I have to take care of you from start to finish. I have so many things to do. I don't know how many people want to invite me to dinner. If you're hungry, cook for yourself. I won't bother."

Fang Wenping frowned, "No one is coming today?"

Dong Xuebing hummed, "That's not necessarily true." He glanced at her body.

Fang Wenping sneered, "Let them come. I'm not afraid of anyone."

"Wow, you're boasting," Dong Xuebing retorted, "Just now, who was desperately trying to crawl under the bed? You almost wouldn't have made it out if I hadn't pulled you out from the outside."

Fang Wenping's face darkened, "Are you looking for a fight?"

"Who started it?" Dong Xuebing said, "You ate my breakfast. At least you could wash the dishes. But you, like an emperor, just lay there."

"I don't know how to wash dishes," Fang Wenping retorted.

Dong Xuebing sarcastically replied, "But you know how to eat."

Fang Wenping looked at him and said, "And I know how to scold people."

"I don't want to argue with you," Dong Xuebing said flatly, deciding to ignore her and go to the study to play games or watch movies. Talking to Fang Wenping meant he would live several years less.

