Quick Transmigration Cannon Fodder's Record of Counterattacks - C.2695: So Did This Lady Want Him to Be the Culprit?

Quick Transmigration Cannon Fodder's Record of Counterattacks

C.2695: So Did This Lady Want Him to Be the Culprit?

Ning Shu rushed to the police station. The first thing she did was ask, “Is Cheng Fei really not the culprit?”

The policeman: …

So did this lady want him to be the culprit, or did she not?

“Li Chen has already confessed to stealing Tian Hai’s account and instigating Li Qiang to carry out the kidnapping,” the policeman said.

“It’s completely consistent with the evidence that we’ve collected. Li Chen is most likely the correct suspect,” said the policeman.

They had guessed that the culprit was probably an acquaintance; both Li Qiang and Li Chen were students of Professor Ai.

As for the IP address, Li Chen had been to that coffee shop and his presence could be proven by the CCTV recording.

Li Chen’s computer even still had the chat history between him and Li Qiang.

All the evidence matched perfectly with each other.

“Did Li Chen confess anything else?” Ning Shu asked.

“Li Chen confessed that he had learned a thing or two about how to hack and that he stole Tian Hai’s account because they had some minor conflicts and didn’t like each other.”

Ning Shu: F*ck… Don’t talk to me anymore.

Could it be that she really had wronged Cheng Fei?

“So, can this case be considered closed?” Ning Shu asked. “My husband is fine, then?”

“Once we finish the procedure, the case will be nearly finalized. Cheng Fei will be fine.”

Ning Shu forced a smile on her face. With tears in her eyes, she joyfully said, “That’s great.”

After she left the police station, Ning Shu nearly ripped all her hair out.

Could it be that Cheng Fei was really wrongly accused?

Did the original host really have persecution delusions and paranoia? Was she really mentally ill?

So far, Cheng Fei had only done a single thing wrong: he installed cameras at home and implanted a tracker in her body.

Even then, he had a good reason: Ai Yun had a mental disorder, and he was worried that something would happen to her.

Since he was busy at the clinic during the day, he had to install cameras to know whether Ai Yun was in any danger at home.

He implanted the tracker because he was worried that Ai Yun would get lost, and he wanted to know Ai Yun’s whereabouts at any time.

He didn’t want Ai Yun to work or attend any get-togethers because he was worried about what’d happen to her there.

He didn’t want her to be judged by other people.

Everything made sense. There was no gap in his logic.

Apart from these incidents, Cheng Fei had never done anything outrageous. He never cheated, never committed domestic violence, and never forced Ai Yun to do anything she didn’t like.

On the contrary, he was always really kind to Ai Yun.

Ning Shu wiped her tears away. She was moved. Cheng Fei was really a good man.

By the way, would lying also be considered a shortcoming? Cheng Fei was lying about his past.

He had lived abroad but insisted that he grew up in China. His adoptive parents were dead, but somehow they’d come back to life.

They even attended the wedding.

Ning Shu went back to the campus, then took the bus to the coffee shop whose IP address she’d found.

Along the way, Ning Shu counted that she passed 7 bus stops. The distance she passed wasn’t short at all.

If she’d taken the taxi, it would’ve cost her nearly 100 yuan.

After getting out of the bus, she had to walk for a while to get to the coffee shop.

Li Chen would’ve had to travel such a long way to come here. There were many other coffee shops around the university, and there were also other places that provided free WiFi. They would have worked just as well for him to use virtual IP addresses.

Moreover, there was also a library in the university. The library was always packed full of people, so it wouldn’t have aroused suspicion.

Why did he have to come so far?

It didn’t make sense.

Could it be he came here to look for someone?

MTL Editor: Ran

Ran’s comment: 100 yuan is 14.57 usd (20 Feb)

