Super Card System - C.477: Requisition

Super Card System

C.477: Requisition

In fact, the events on Skypiea this time were almost entirely resolved by Ian alone. So, from this perspective, even if he took away all the gold, no one could say anything.

However, the connection between the Straw Hat Pirates and Ian runs deep. Just look at their crew: Luffy is Aces brother, Sanji is Reijus brother, and Zoro is Ians junior. Even if we ignore Luffy and Sanji, Ian wouldnt treat Zoro unfairly.

Moreover, if I remember correctly, the Merry Go (Going Merry) ship has already been damaged, and Ian doesnt want them to be unable to repair it due to a lack of money.

So, giving them a share of the bounty was something Ian had considered a long time ago. Thats why, while riding the Waver with Nami on their way to the Forbidden Zone, he discussed this matter with her.

The reason is simple; within the Straw Hat Pirates, from the captain to the vice-captain, from the cook to the sniper, to even the pet, they are all a bunch of idiots! If the money were left in their hands, they wouldnt know how to use it properly. Only Nami, although greedy and a bit stingy, manages the crews finances responsibly.

Sometimes Ian wonders, what would happen to the Straw Hat Pirates if they didnt have Nami.

If he gave them a share of the bounty, Luffy would probably buy a dozen figureheads for the ship, and Zoro would change all the money into alcohol

Just thinking about the possibility of that happening, Ian could only give their share of the bounty to Nami.

As a result, when Ian mentioned this, Nami pounced on him, playfully pushing him to the ground, before planting a fervent kiss on his cheek.

Ian, I love you to death! Nami gazed at Ian affectionately, but her eyes were all filled with gleaming Bely symbols. Ian was not fooled; what she truly loved to death was her treasured bills.

Excited, Nami made such an intense move towards Ian, which immediately caused Sanji behind her to burst into flames. Ah, damn it! Let go of Miss Nami right now!

So they held onto Sanji, preventing him from charging forward, afraid that Ian might kick him away with one powerful blow.

Ian finally managed to break free from Namis affectionate grasp and stood up from the ground. Honestly, Namis kiss felt delightful, but being kissed like that left him feeling quite flustered.

However, Nami paid no heed to such matters. After Ian shook her off, she immediately dove into the pile of gold, looking at Ian with eager anticipation, and in a sugary voice, she asked, So, Big Brother Ian, how much do you plan to give us?

Hmm Three hundred million Berries worth of treasure! Ian thought for a moment and held up three fingers.

What!? Namis demeanor instantly changed as her sweet tone turned fierce, and she exclaimed, This heap of gold is worth ten billion! And youre only giving us three hundred million Berries!?

3 percent is already quite a lot! Ian shrugged.

Ian had intended to give them the amount originally allocated in the storyline. This sum of money should be sufficient for their expenses, including ship repairs and other necessities. Hence, Ian believed it to be a generous share.

However, the problem was that the current situation differed from the original plot. With Ians additional plundering, the amount of gold on the scene had increased significantly, causing the estimated value to soar. In light of this comparison, Nami naturally felt shortchanged.

No way! Nami grabbed Zoro and patted his back forcefully, turning to Ian and said, Hes your junior, you really want to see him eating crumbs in the future!?

Suppressing his laughter, Ian marveled at Namis remarkthree hundred million Berries equating to mere crumbs? The notion was preposterous.

Hey, Nami! Zoro felt that her description was off, so he spoke up, Three hundred million Berries are already a lot. We can buy plenty of sake for the ship

Zoro, this simple-minded guy, thought that three hundred million Berries were already a considerable sum, which led him to say such words. However, with just this one sentence, he completely angered Nami. Wearing a stern expression, she landed a punch directly on Zoros head and yelled at him, Shut up! If you dont know anything, just keep your mouth shut! Nobody will mistake you for a mute!

Clutching his throbbing head, Zoro crouched down. However, Luffy and the others hadnt yet realized the reason behind Namis fury, so they followed suit, chiming in with Zoro, Yeah, Nami! Three hundred million Berries could buy a massive statue to place on the ship

And cannons! We could buy lots of cannons! Usopp chimed in, stroking his chin with a dreamy look.

And books! And heaps of cotton candy! Chopper chuckled, squinting his eyes.

However, the moment the trio finished speaking, they heard three loud bangs, and each of them received a round of blows on their heads from Nami. Like Zoro, they ended up with swollen bumps on their heads, tearfully crouching down

Reiju and Robin, observing the scene, found themselves sweating profusely with astonishment. They never expected that Nami, the lovely and sweet young lady, could be so fearsome when provoked. She was practically the queen of the Straw Hat Pirates

Even Enel was wide-eyed with surprise, thinking that Nami was quite intimidating.

After giving Luffy and the others a stern lesson, Nami placed her hands on her hips, huffing with displeasure as she said to Ian, Ten percent! At least give us ten percent!

Ten percent would be approximately one billion Berries, but naturally, Ian couldnt accept such a demand. Shaking his head, he replied, Its just three hundred million Berries. Too much money wont do you any good!

However, Nami was relentless. She charged forward, intending to embrace Ians arm and employ her tried-and-true method of coaxing. But as Ian saw her approaching, he shivered and quickly dodged her.

Good heavens! On the Waver, it was already one million for a simple touch. Now, with this heap of gold before them, she wouldnt try to pull off a one billion Berries per touch, would she!?

Ian couldnt possibly allow her to embrace his arm again. Nami had an undeniable charm that required careful vigilance.

Unable to catch Ian and employ her coaxing method, Nami glared at him with a pout, Brother Ian, youre already so wealthy. Why not give us a little more!?

Nami, Im being serious! Ian wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead and replied to Nami, Trust me, you wouldnt want a relentless stream of pirates targeting you, intending to rob you, would you?

But what about you? Arent you afraid? Nami retorted angrily, but then quickly realized the truth.

Gazing at Ians smile, she suddenly felt deflated. Indeed, Ian and his crew had nothing to fear. He was one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and pirates dared not even think of robbing him, let alone carry out such a foolish act.

Alright, alright! Seeing that it was almost enough, Robin stepped in to mediate, gently embracing Nami and comforting her, Having something is better than having nothing, isnt it?

Robin, sis! Nami nuzzled her head against Robins chest, saying, Cant you convince him to give us a bit more?

Robin remained silent, offering only a warm smile as she gently stroked Namis orange hair. Nami understood that appealing to Robins softer side wouldnt work, so she reluctantly accepted the reality.

Ian discreetly gave Robin a thumbs-up, silently acknowledging her diplomatic skills.

With Nami settled, it was needless to say that Zoro and the others wouldnt say anything either. Ian instructed them to pick out the gold worth around three hundred million Berries from the treasure hoard, effectively concluding the distribution of their earnings.

Captain, what should we do with the remaining gold? Doroni scratched his head, looking a little puzzled. I can eventually carry this gold, but Im afraid we dont have anything to hold them in

He had a point. The amount of gold Nami and the others received was relatively small, so they could easily carry it with a bag each. But for Ian and the rest, such a massive amount of gold couldnt be contained in mere bags.

Thankfully, Ians ingenious mind soon conjured up a solution.

With a sizzling crackle, a myriad of electric sparks erupted from Ians hands as he placed them upon the gold. Boosting the output of electrical energy, he channeled his power into a dazzling display.

Golden Storm!

Enel widened his eyes in astonishment as he witnessed Ian employing his familiar lightning power once again. To his amazement, the remaining gold began to levitate, seemingly connected by an electric current.

This technique was a creative adaptation of the Iron Sand Storm. Gold, being an excellent conductor, allowed Ian to utilize electromagnetic fields similar to how he controlled iron sand. However, the weight of the gold was immense, requiring a corresponding increase in his Nen. It proved somewhat taxing.

Strictly speaking, this move utilized electromagnetic force rather than pure lightning power, distinguishing it from Enels usage of his Devil Fruit ability. Enel found the display intriguing.

If he could also harness such electromagnetic power, why would he need to attach propellers and jet shells to the Ark Maxim? He could simply use his abilities to make the Ark fly!

In witnessing the diverse applications of lightning power through Ian, Enel felt as if the gates to a new world had opened before him.

Lets go back! Ian called out to the group. Then, turning to Enel, he stated, Ill be commandeering your Ark!

W-Why!? Enel snapped out of his daze, unable to contain his protest. The Ark is mine!

Correction its mine now! Ians voice turned cold as he cast a disdainful glance at Enel. Any objections, captive?

N-No! Under Ians penetrating gaze, Enel couldnt help but feel his resolve weaken.

Very well, lets set off! Ian said, taking control of the levitating gold. With the weighty treasure in tow, they exited the serpents mouth.

Once outside, Ian noticed that a sizable group of Skypieans had gathered, working together to drag the golden bell back to its original position atop Shandora. Upon seeing Ian, many of the Skypieans couldnt help but regard him with awe. Though they also noticed the vast array of golden artifacts surrounding Ian, not a single person dared to question him.

The Shandorians who arrived later had already learned about the situation from Wyper. They knew that Ian had defeated Enel and discovered Shandoras light, so they harbored no ill feelings towards him as their benefactor.

Unperturbed, Ian didnt disturb them and led his group upwards through the clouds, intending to return to the Heavenly Palace via the vine route.

Enels Ark Maxim, adorned with cryptic inscriptions, was also crafted from a substantial amount of gold. However, Ian wasnt shortsighted and didnt intend to strip the ship of its golden hull merely for the sake of wealth. His decision to commandeer Enels Ark was based on the hope of restoring it and finding a new use for the vessel.

This Ark, fashioned with ancient lunar technology, piqued the interest of the crews scientist, Dr. Varua. Having researched much of the ancient technology in Balloon Terminal, Varua might be able to restore the Ark. If successful, Ians Hunter Dragon Pirates would boast an unparalleled pirate ship a flying pirate ship!

This chapter is updated by freew(e)bnovel.(c)om

