Super Card System - C.555: Digging Up Old News

Super Card System

C.555: Digging Up Old News

After hearing such astonishing news from Vice Admiral Gion, the reporters present were terrified and scattered in a panic.

They desperately rushed back to their news agencies to report the news of the Impel Down incident.

Later that evening, an extra edition of the newspaper was released. Countless news birds, carrying backpacks, flew into the sky, carrying this newspaper to every corner of the world.

In the East Blue, West Blue, South Blue, North Blue, on the Grand Line, and in the New World, almost everyone who received this newspaper began to tremble as they read it.

“Is this… Is this… Is this real!?”

“The Shichibukai Black Dragon Ian has rebelled, raided Impel Down, and released over a hundred prisoners!?”

“A bounty of ONE billion berries!? Another Great pirate has emerged!”

“What will this world become!?”

“Oh god, the Marines were just preparing to start a war with the Whitebeard, and now this happens…”

“Hahaha, those Marine fellows are in for a lot of trouble!”

Commoners, pirates, and officials from various countries, although they reacted differently to the news in the newspaper, they were all deeply shocked by the emergence of another billion-level pirate.

Has the young man who dared to attack the holy land Mary Geoise, kill a Celestial Dragon, and free the slaves grown to such a point?

In addition to the Four Emperors, the Marines once again faced a major threat…

On a small island in the New World, a man wearing a flamingo cloak and sunglasses burst into laughter while holding the newspaper. “I never expected this! After pulling me down from the position of a Warlord, you voluntarily give up the position yourself! Excellent, excellent!”

After laughing wildly for a while, Doflamingo turned to a member of CP0 standing next to him and said, “Hey, if I agree to your conditions, will the World Government really stop pursuing me?”

The CP0 member wearing a mask replied in a deep voice, “Yes! Although we cannot restore your title as a Warlord, we can temporarily suspend the pursuit against you! The World Government will find an excuse to recall Vice Admiral Tsuru’s forces!”

“Alright! I agree!” Doflamingo laughed heartily. “I never expected that just for the sake of Ian, it would lead to such a lack of strength in the Seven Warlords. Even I, a wanted criminal, have been found by you. However, if it’s only to ambush and intercept the Whitebeard Pirates’ reinforcements, this deal is not bad after all!”

After getting the response he wanted, the CP0 member quickly left. Trebol, with a runny nose, approached Doflamingo and asked, “Young Master, are you really going to help the Marines intercept the Whitebeard Pirates’ reinforcements?”

“Ha, let them go to hell!” Doflamingo sneered, “The only reason I agreed was to gain the identity of an ally. This way, we might have a chance to enter the battlefield under the heavy encirclement of the Marines. My goal, from beginning to end, has always been that bastard Ian! I must avenge the Donquixote Pirates’ fall! So… I am quite looking forward to his appearance now…”

On the other side, nearing the location of the Red Line, on the side close to the New World, a ship constructed from giant wood sailed on a sea area.

On the ship, a news bird lay in a pool of blood, shot down by a sniper rifle from high above…

This was a ship of the Blackbeard Pirates, and the barrel of Van Augur’s gun was still emitting smoke. This news bird was his recent shot, and a whole backpack of newspapers had been scattered. The five members of the Blackbeard Pirates were all holding newspapers and reading.

“This… this…” Teach crumpled the newspaper into a ball and fiercely punched the ship, causing it to sway. He angrily roared, “What’s the meaning of this?! Why did we learn about this just as we were about to head to Impel Down?!”

“Impel Down is done for!” Van Augur sneered, “The newspaper says, all the prisoners from Level 5 and Level 6 are dead, and the remaining ones have been taken away by Ian. There’s no one left in Impel Down that we’re looking for!”

“This is terrible!” Lafitte shook his wooden cane, saying, “It seems Ian had the same idea as us, except he acted much faster!”

“I find it strange!” Van Augur puzzled, “If he’s planning to recruit members, why kill the prisoners on the fifth and sixth levels?”

“I feel the same way!” Teach frowned, “It’s like he knew our actions. Our target was those prisoners on the sixth level, but Ian killed them… It’s like it was deliberate…”

“How did he know our intentions?” Burgess also looked puzzled, saying, “He’s so far away from us, he shouldn’t be able to predict our actions!”

“Cough… cough!” Doc Q coughed up blood, “I can only say… he’s a terrifying opponent!”

“One billion Berries!” Teach lamented, “That kid’s bounty has skyrocketed to this level. Just when I obtained the title of a Shichibukai, he struck me down again! Damn it!”

“Now everyone knows his name! His reputation is beyond our reach!” Van Augur said, “He will be the biggest obstacle on our path to becoming one of the Four Emperors!”

“Reputation…” Teach rubbed his chin, pondering.

Well, the most crucial thing for the Blackbeard Pirates now is their reputation. According to Teach’s plan, he wants to ascend step by step, first becoming a Shichibukai, then one of the Four Emperors, and finally becoming the Pirate King. But all this hinges on making his name known to the world. Otherwise, who would acknowledge an unknown pirate ascending to the throne of one of the Four Emperors?

There has been a significant deviation from the original story due to Ian’s intervention, which can be said to have severely suppressed the Blackbeard Pirates’ development, leaving Teach with a feeling of struggling to move forward.

“What’s next, Captain?” Burgess asked, “Are we continuing with our plan?”

Teach glared at him fiercely. “Continue what? Pushing forward to Impel Down? There’s no one left there now!”

“So, should we go back?” Burgess scratched his head. “Our sneaking away has probably been noticed by the Marines. If we go back now, Akainu will surely treat us as traitors and arrest us!”

The current Marines are in chaos due to their preparations for war, and Teach’s group of five took advantage of this opportunity to slip away quietly. They had intended to ambush Impel Down, but halfway there, they received news that Impel Down had been breached by Ian. This is really…

Teach didn’t know what to say.

“Damn it, even if we go back, we have to make a big move first!” Teach’s eyes were bloodshot as he declared, “Reputation! What we need now is reputation. Since our plan to recruit those criminals from Impel Down didn’t work out, we’ll find another way. As long as we have fame, we won’t have to worry about recruiting followers!”

“What’s your plan, Captain?” Van Augur asked.

“Hehe! I’ve got a great idea!” Teach opened a sea chart and pointed to a location on it.

Van Augur and the others leaned in to take a look. When they saw the spot Teach was pointing to, they all froze and then sucked in a breath.

“Hehahaha! What do you think?” Teach laughed heartily, spreading his arms wide.

“It’s a crazy plan!” Van Augur said. “Captain, if we really go through with this, we’ll be facing endless pursuit from the Marines!”

“It doesn’t matter. As I said, as long as we can get hold of Whitebeard’s Tremor-Tremor Fruit power, we won’t fear even if there are countless Marines after us!” Teach declared. “Have you forgotten? That’s exactly what Ian did back then. If he could succeed, so can we!”

“So, are we doing this?” Burgess asked.

“We’re doing it!” Van Augur and the others gritted their teeth and nodded firmly.

On the sea chart, Teach’s grimy fingers left a smudged fingerprint, and next to it was a line of small text.

Holy Land, Mary Geoise…

On the Calm Belt, Amazon Lily, a prisoner still dressed in his convict clothes held a newspaper he had just bought from the news bird, excitement flashing in his eyes. After scanning through it quickly, he immediately dashed off toward the gathering place.

“I-Ian, Boss!” the prisoner shouted loudly. “N-News is out!”

Upon hearing his call, a group of prisoners immediately crowded around him, snatching the newspaper from his hands. “Let me see, let me see!”

“One… 1 billion Berries!?” Almost all the prisoners, upon seeing Ian’s new bounty, gasped in shock, then, after recovering from the initial surprise, were filled with excitement!

“God! Captain Ian… he’s so amazing!?”

The prisoners looked at Ian with admiring, no, worshipful eyes! It was the first time they had seen someone with such a high bounty, and he was right in front of them!

“Quickly, read it aloud for everyone to hear!” Those on the outskirts, unable to see the newspaper, urged anxiously.

“Alright!” The prisoner holding the newspaper quickly agreed, then began to read aloud.

“…It is reported that the mastermind behind the Impel Down incident is two individuals. One is the former Warlord of the Sea, Black Dragon Ian. The Marines have stripped him of his Warlord title and increased his bounty to 1 billion Berries, showing their determination to capture him and bring him to justice. The second mastermind is the captain of the Buggy Pirates, Captain Buggy…”

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As they read this part, the prisoners couldn’t help but stare in the direction of Buggy.

“Huh!? Why are you all looking at me like that…” Buggy’s prominently red nose made him look foolish.

“How is that possible!? How could such a fool overshadow the fame of a Warlord and be designated as one of the masterminds? We must have misheard! Or the newspaper got it wrong…” the prisoners thought, continuing to read: “…Captain Buggy, one of the former Pirate King Roger’s crew members, highly esteemed and close friend of the Yonko Red-Haired Shanks…”

At this point, there was a sudden silence in the area. Everyone almost stared blankly at Buggy, even his subordinates Cabaji and Alvida, as if they had seen a ghost, looking at their captain.

Only Ian laughed heartily, almost out of breath!

Hahaha, who would have thought…. who would have thought, that Buggy, this guy, still hasn’t escaped the fate of having his true identity revealed by the Marines. This is getting interesting…

